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Major Project-First draft Script

Here is the first draft of my script for the pilot episode of Tales from the Kitchen Cupboard. It still might change. I intend to get my voice actors picked and their dialogue recorded as soon as possible so I can begin to work out timings and get my animatic done. 
RAT is eating food that has been dropped on the floor. In the background PERSON1 leans against the frame of an open kitchen door. He doesn't know that RAT is there. PERSON1 holds a smoke in his hand. He baptises the smoke, then lights it up and begins to smoke. (10Sec?)
RAT looks up, and tenses slightly before he scurries away to a corner of the room. He carries the food he was eating in his mouth as he goes. As this happens, PERSON2 enters the kitchen from a second door, he carries shopping bags in his hands. (4sec?)
Hey man.
Hey man.
PERSON2 walks over to the bench and puts the shopping bags down on it.
RAT watches PERSON2 as he enters and walks across the kitchen floor.
PERSON2 begins to unpack his shopping. He takes out a block of cheese and waves it at PERSON1. (3sec?)
Dude, guess how much this cost?!
PERSON1 looks at the block of cheese as RAT watches the two people. (4sec?)
I don't know... like, 7 bucks?
PERSON2 leans back in an indignant way, feigning a shocked surprise. (5sec?)
No way dude, 12 bucks for a block of cheese?!
PERSON1 reacts with surprise before raising the smoke to his lips again. (8sec?)
I know right?! Who knew cheese was a luxury item aye?!
PERSON2 continues to unpack his shopping, putting items in the cupboard above his head. (5sec)
Aw I know man, the price of food is ridiculous. You know broccoli?...
PERSON1 pauses to take another drag from his smoke. He exhales the smoke, spluttering and coughing a little as he does so.
...When I get broccoli I eat the whole tree. Like, not just the mini trees off the top. I can't afford to waste anything!
PERSON2 looks at PERSON1 indignantly. (20sec?)
Dude... Really?!
Yea man! Can't afford to waste anything with the price of foo...
PERSON1 slowly fades off without finishing the sentence. He pauses, squinting behind PERSON2.
RAT tenses.
PERSON1 squints in the direction of RAT who sits on the kitchen floor watching. (30sec?)
...emmm.... What the fuck's that??!
As PERSON2 turns to look, RAT tenses and suddenly bolts in the direction of a cupboard that has one of its doors standing ajar. The floor shakes and there is the sound of heavy thumping thuds of footsteps behind RAT as PERSON1 and PERSON2 charge after him. (35sec?)
RAT runs into the cupboard and hides behind some pots, looking out towards the kitchen through the small gap he ran in. (10sec)
Is it in there?
I don't know, you look.
(PERSON1 and PERSON2 can be heard shuffling offscreen.)
I don't really wanna go close aye?
Yea man, I'm kinda afraid it's gonna jump out or something
(laughs nervously)
(O.S) More shuffling can be heard. (25sec?)
RAT watches as the gap in the door widens slightly and creaks as (O.S) one of the humans attempt to gingerly open the cupboard door. The gap that RAT watches widens slowly.
The cupboard door is opened wide enough to let some light in. PERSON2 peeks through the gap.
RAT tenses and cowers. (25sec?)
PERSON2 disappears from frame.
I think it's gone.
The cupboard door creaks open fully and PERSON2's head appears again as he peers in. In the background, PERSON1 stands, feet apart, holding a broom in his hands with his smoke hanging out the side of his mouth.
RAT leans back further into the shadows as both PERSON1 and PERSON2 peer in further.
I don't see it, do you?
PERSON2 gingerly moves some pots around, some fall. (10sec?)
...That's a bit gross aye?
Do you think there might be a hole or something it ran in? Like, maybe it went up the wall and into the ceiling or something...
PERSON2 straightens up and gestures towards the ceiling as he speaks. (23sec?)
PERSON1 looks in the direction that PERSON2 gestures towards.
Do you think they can do that?
I don't know, maybe?
PERSON2 looks back towards the open cupboard. (15sec?)
I don't see it in here anyway.
PERSON1 and PERSON2 look around at the ceiling and cupboard in confusion.
RAT cautiously creeps closer towards the two humans. (10sec?)
Fuck it, it's probably gone. We should put some poison down maybe...
PERSON1 walks away from the cupboard in the direction of the kitchen door while PERSON2 continues to look at the cupboard, puzzled.
...although, I can't fucking afford it with the price of everything else.
(he laughs sarcastically) (17sec?)
PERSON2 sighs, looks away from the cupboard and walks over to the bench that he had put his shopping on top of. He puts the last of his shopping into the cupboard above his head.
PERSON1 tosses the butt of his smoke outside the kitchen door. He walks over to the bench and grabs a packet of crisps which he tears open. He plunges his hand into the bag and pulls out a handful of crisps, accidentally dropping one on the floor as he does this.
RAT watches the crisp fall onto the floor from the cupboard he is hiding in. (15sec?)
Wanna chip bro?
PERSON1 holds out the bag towards PERSON2.
Nah. I'm all good, I'm gonna make myself something now. Thanks though.
All good.
PERSON1 nods and smiles and begins to leave the room. (20sec?)
RAT cautiously leaves the cupboard and begins to scurry towards the fallen chip. He gets to the chip and begins to eat it. He jumps in surprise when he hears PERSON1 speak again.
RAT looks up to see PERSON1 standing at the door, facing PERSON2.
...I still owe you 50 bucks for the stuff bro, I'll transfer you that later!
PERSON2 turns to face PERSON1.
Yea, all good man!
PERSON1 does the thumbs up as he exits the kitchen. (15sec?)
(During this whole exchange only PERSON2's legs are in frame as RAT is very close to him and is watching the exchange from the floor where the proportion is off)
PERSON2 whistles as he moves his legs, shuffling around near RAT.
RAT nibbles on the fallen crisp. (10sec?)
PERSON2 turns and begins to walk towards the door that PERSON1 just left through.
(As PERSON2 leaves the room, he walks into frame.)
As PERSON2 leaves the kitchen, he raises the sandwich that he had been making to his mouth.
RAT watches PERSON2's back as he exits the room. A tomato falls from PERSON2's sandwich as RAT watches. The tomato lands on the floor.
RAT pricks his head up as the tomato lands. Then he scurries over to the tomato. He grabs the tomato in his mouth and carries it back to the cupboard that he had been hiding in. (30sec?)


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