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BSA203 Evaluation sub-committee SWOT

The evaluation sub-committee aimed to do a basic SWOT analysis at our meetings each week in order to help us see where the committee is at and what we were doing well, as well as to help us identify what issues needed to be addressed.

Week 10 SWOT analysis

·         Event has happened before so we have something to compare to.
·         Organised by students, for students.
·         We are on track, pretty much.
·         We have all been collecting data (but we could probably have more).
·         We have the venue already organised and confirmed (except for the gallery because of the budget and less space this year).
·         We have our main sponsors organised and on-board, and may have potentially more.
·         We have extra money left behind from last year to put towards a film prize, to encourage more chance of winning a prize, and therefore hopefully more participation from film students who might be unsure whether they would be bothered entering.

·         Limited budget.
·         We are students so we have other classes and deadlines to focus on, so we need to split our priorities.
·         As a student-organised event, there may be a potential bias from people who aren’t studying who might assume that the event will just be a collection of sub-par student work, and may not be interesting unless directly involved.
·         As main campus and downtown campus are quite separate, there might not be many students from main campus. This narrows the potential student audience.

·         We have sponsorship.
·         We get to work with people in the industry, such as the guest speaker and judges. (But we still need to confirm them).

·         Students going home and leaving Invercargill around that time as it is the end of the school year. This might make students distracted and busy organising other things so they will be less likely to attend unless directly involved.
·         Fashion students and music students (the ones most likely to go that aren’t directly involved) also have their end of year showcases on the same week. This might impact how many people end up turning up to ours as they might be busy/hungover?
·         First year visual art students may choose to not enter. Screen Arts students have BSA103, but visual art first years apparently don’t have that, and so, might choose to not enter because of lack of knowledge about the event, or maybe less confident of their work and afraid that it will look bad beside others’.

Week 11 SWOT analysis

·         We have lots of volenteers.
·         Access to gallaries.
·         Plan on having a raffle which gives people incentive to come.
·         Surveys will provide us with good feedback and evidence.
·         All-ages event.

·         There are a lot of different venues and this could cause confusion/result in people missing out on a lot of the exhibition.
·         We still need to confirm judges.
·         Not a huge amount of proffesionals tend to attend the event.

·         Internship offer with one of the prizes.
·         Networking opportunites for students (and potentail sponsors).
·         Potentail growth of the SIT Brand, as well as the potentail growth of the various possible sponsors’ brands.

·         Not enough people entering.
·         Lack of knowledge about entry forms, and where/how to submit.
·         Disorganisation with finding judge/all the judges that we had planned for were busy, setting us back a bit.

Week 12 SWOT analysis

·         We seem relatively organised.
·         Our committee seems to be working quite well together according to the results from the survey so far.
·         We are going to able to have a media release soon.

·         We haven’t got judges or guest speakers yet
·         According to the committee survey results so far, people feel that, while the committee is working well together, some people are slipping under the radar.

·         We are hoping to have more sponsors soon.
·         If we get more sponsors we will hopefully have money left over from the budget to either put towards the night, or to leave to next years’ group.
·         We can try get people to enter more than once.

·         Only eight entries in so far and the deadline is in two days.
·         We may need to give more clarity about what is expected from the entrants, and when.
·         Still no judge or guest speakers confirmed. 

Term Break SWOT analysis

·         The committee members are all still communicating and getting on with each other.
·         The sub-committees (and therefore, main committee) seem to be keeping relatively on track with our deadlines.
·         According to the survey results, the committee members seem to all be relatively happy with how things are running/the organisation of the committee so far.
·         We have some 1st year volunteers who have agreed to help us officially already.
·         The install sub-committee seems to be on track and managed to get the gallery to give us extra time to install rather than just on the day as it was seeming at first.
·         We have two judges confirmed for the night.

·         First committee survey suggests that most members feel that the workload is being split unevenly.
·         We still need to get a judge and guest speaker.
·         We need to follow-up some people. This is because we still haven’t had replies from some people yet and this is preventing us from getting things done as a result.
·         We need to get our poster for the public agreed upon and confirmed soon so it can go out, there has been some confusion/disagreements over this.
·         The budget is not yet official yet as we are waiting for catering to be confirmed, as well as travel ect. for guests.
·         Invitations have yet to be confirmed and sent out, the face card templates and program template still need confirmation.

·         We are still hoping for more sponsorship, and are just waiting on replies.
·         We are hoping for a raffle sponsorship too, as it would be a good point of difference for our event.
·         Some sub-committees may be beginning to slip behind schedule a little for various reasons.
·         Fatigue and other assessment priorities are beginning to build up, leading to a slight slip in how organised we are.
·         The Awards sub-committee are waiting for replies and can’t do much until they receive them. They could begin to fall behind because of this.

·         We need to begin to update the Facebook page/start pushing the advertising in order to get the audience turnout that we are hoping for.

Week 14 SWOT analysis

·         We’re still friends.
·         We have new sponsors for the raffle as well as Retro Organics and ILT.
·         We have two confirmed judges, Nash Varghese and Maira Muller.
·         Radios and newspapers are being contacted regarding media release.

·         Some disorganisation within the committee.
·         The posters for the public are still not out, the design committee are still waiting for sponsor’s logos.
·         The invitations still need to be completed and sent out.
·         We need to begin confirming volunteers willing to help on the evening.
·         There still seems to be unequal workloads despite the survey results indicating that most felt that some people weren’t pulling their weight.

·         We have more new sponsors confirmed.
·         We are looking to confirm radio interviews and other media promotion.
·         The awards committee is looking for raffle sponsorship, and has got some confirmed already.
·         The poster for the public should be out soon.
·         We have got a little leeway with our budget now as we don’t have to buy cheese now because Retro Organics is sponsoring it instead.

·         Morgan hasn’t had many Artist Statements yet despite the hand-in date being in two days.
·         People are beginning to burn out and get a bit tired as the semester is getting to the end now.  

Week 15 SWOT analysis

·         We have three confirmed judges, and a guest speaker.
·         We have a date for the instillation confirmed.

·         All the other assignments are due and people are beginning to get distracted and tired.
·         The organisation is getting a bit slack.

·         We have confirmed three judges and these are people who could be potential networking opportunities for us as students.
·         We are still getting sponsors for the raffle.

·         We gave only got two weeks left to fully organise everything now.
·          There are outstanding artist statements and outstanding work from the entrants and there seems to be a little bit of miscommunication between the entrants and the committee. 

Week 16 SWOT analysis

·           Install team has installed the exhibition!
·           Microphones and sound gear has been booked.
·           Invitations have been done.

·           We haven’t got a raffle book.
·           Judges haven’t replied in relation to dietary requirements etc. on the day.
·           We had to extend deadlines for the film submissions because people didn’t read where to                     submit.
·           The photos for the flicks wasn’t widely known about so there has to be a reshoot for the                      people who missed the first one.

·           Our judges are confirmed.
·           Cheeses are confirmed, but still need to be collected.
·           Daisy can get an ILT discount for drinks.
·           A few media releases have been released, an article is being written, and southland radio has                been promoting the event.

·           We still haven’t got a program for the Awards night made.
·           We need to work on promoting the event or it may have poor attendance. 
·           Organisation is slacking and people are getting more tired.
·           Some potential raffle sponsors still need chased up.


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