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BSA203 Evaluation Sub-committee minutes

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 13th September at 10am

Sam, Vy, Nina.
General Business
Vy has agreed to take some photos of the committee meetings to collect for the report at the end.
We need other sub-committee meetings’ minutes so that we have more data for the final evaluation. Sam said she would address this in the next committee meeting.
We will be brainstorming survey questions for the audience at event night. We will compile a list which will be presented at the next committee meeting for everyone to critique.
In the next committee meeting we were going to ask the groups opinion on:
-          Whether we should think about having an online survey through Facebook that is tailored to the students/entrants and how they felt we did in terms of showing their work. If there is going to be a Facebook Event page for entrants to invite them, this could be posted on there.
-          Should we have an ongoing online survey for committee members to evaluate how the committee is working for them to identify our strengths and any problems we might have? We thought if we did this, we could have a few short general questions, with one survey posted shortly, one posted just before the event, and one posted just after the event. This could give us some good reflective data that isn’t just an overall at the end and will therefore be a bit more accurate, and could be done via Facebook, with the link posted in the Screen Arts group.
-          How are we going to count attendance on the night? Will we have a person at the door that counts a tally as people enter? How will they know if someone goes in and back out?
-          Will we be going through entries as one big lot or will we be doing it as we get them? If it is as we get them, we will be able to more accurately see what years they are coming from and that way we can go to individual groups who don’t seem to be entering (eg. First yr. groups) and give them more information tailored to them to try and get maximum entries.
Nina will make one of the tables (found in the handout book p. 14) showing our Aims, Objectives and How we will measure our success for the planning stage of the evaluation. The questions will be ones that we came up with in the sub-committee meeting. The tables made will be given out at the next committee meeting so people can add to it.
We will be doing a quick, rough SWOT analysis each week as a committee to help keep us on track, and to help us for when we come to do the main one at the end.

The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.43am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 20th September at 10am

Sam, Vy, Nina, Daisy.

General Business
We need to come up with questions for the survey for the students. These questions will be about how happy they were with how their work was shown/the night was run. We plan to write up the questions beforehand, get them agreed to, and then Vy will make a google docs survey which we can email to all participants.
Vy has been taking photos of various committee meetings, she has taken some of the main meetings, and of evaluation and design subcommittees. If anyone from other sub-committee meetings would like to take a photo of one of their meetings and drop it into one of the files set up on the temp drive, this might be good evidence for the end.
There have been a couple of emails to Nina about the entry forms. Both have now got their entry forms, but there might be others who don’t know where to find entry forms that aren’t bothered to email.
We are planning to make up a survey this week, for committee members. We will make three, one to be done A.S.A.P., one to be done for just before the event, and one for just after. These will be make on google docs. The link will be posted into the ScreenArts group on Facebook. Seeing as Rori doesn’t use Facebook, his link will be emailed to him.
We are going to make up a table for how we will collect evidence from our Measures of Success. This will be done with reference to p. 29 and p.30 in the booklet we were given out.

The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.35am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 27th September at 10am

Vy, Nina, Daisy.
General Business
There are still five people from the committee that haven’t done the survey yet. We want to get them to all have it done before the end of this week so we can begin to compile and use the information.
Nina is going to ask Sylvester who is going to be putting up folders on the YDrive for the first cut of the films and animations to be dropped into. One of us will then do it.
Vy has photos of the different committees working.
Nina is compiling the entries into a spreadsheet as she gets them. So far, there have been eight entries. People need to keep reminding other years to submit.
The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.15am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Thurs 5th October at 10am

Vy, Nina, Daisy, Sam.
General Business
The results of the first survey are done. Almost everyone did the survey so the answers should accurately show the general opinon of the committee about how we are going. Nina will print out the resulting data to present at the next meeting.
We need to decide on when the next survey for the committee (pre-event night) should be sent out.
The entries were compiled into a spreadsheet and we got more this year than last year which is good. We need to get exact numbers from this year and last year so we can put this into our evaluation for how we will determine if it has been a success or not.
There is also a list of questions in the 2016 evaluation folder which we plan to have a look at to make sure we are on track.
Vy has been compiling a few photos that have been taken during the event organisation.
The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.30am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 11th October at 10.10am

Vy, Nina, Daisy, Sam.
General Business
We discussed who is asking the audience survey questions on the night. We decided that we would need about five reliable volunteers, who will be available from about 6ish until 8.30ish (or whenever the interval ends). We are planning to ask some first years to help for this. Vy agreed to oversee the surveyors on the night, but we think that it might be good for her to have a little bit of help so we need to ask the committee if someone else is willing to help Vy organise the first years’ doing the surveys.  
We are planning to put the next committee pre-event survey out in about two weeks. This will be done as the first one was done, via facebook (and email for Rori).
We got 76 entrants this year, as opposed to 65 last year. However, this number may change slightly as some entry forms were not completed properly and the entrants involved have been emailed. They must submit what they were missing by 5pm this evening. If some people fail to submit any of the extra bits they were lacking, their entry will be discarded. This means the number of entries may potentially drop a little.
Vy is looking at taking some photos on the night. She has organised some volunteers from 1st year Visual Arts to help her. She might get more helpers depending on how many she feels that she needs.
We are going to write up a short statement that surveyors will say when they approach people to explain what/why they are asking questions. Daisy is going to write this up.
The entrant survey, final committee surveys and audience survey questions need to be refined and agreed upon, preferably within the next two weeks, when the next one will be sent out.
The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.47am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 18th October at 10am

Vy, Nina, Daisy, Sam.
General Business
Marius, Cayleb and Vy have been confirmed to do surveys on the evening of The Flicks. They haven’t confirmed the 1st year volunteers that will help them yet, but Vy will confirm it with them this week.
Next Monday the second survey for the committee members will be posted.
Daisy wrote a statement for approaching people during the night for the survey which Nina will forward to other sub-committee members for them to have a look at.
Nina will refine the survey questions for the audience to present to the committee for evaluation.
The evaluation sub-committee needs to consider how the entrant survey should be done like how it should be posted and when. We thought that either just before The Flicks (but this means we can’t ask them questions related how they felt their work was presented on the night). Or we could add all entrants into a Facebook group chat the day after the event, and put the link in there.

The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.30am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 25th October at 10.10am

Vy, Nina, Sam.
General Business
Nina will type up the questions for the judges, and the questions for the surveys on the night.
We need 6 more people confirmed to help take some surveys on the night. We will ask more during the week. 
The survey for the committee is being put on Facebook tonight.
Sam is going to make a facebook poll asking when is best suited for everyone to come in to work on the main evaluation report together post-event. Nina is going to look at the criteria of the main evaluation report and do up a basic guideline of the headings before we all meet so it might be easier for us all to work on together.
The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.40am.

The minutes of the Evaluation Sub-committee meeting held Wed 1st November at 10.00am

Daisy, Nina, Sam.
General Business
Daisy is going to send the judges questions to them pre-event so they get a chance to look over them beforehand. Nina will print out them as physical copies for them to be given on the day.
Nina will separate the audience survey questions for 6 people. They will be separated into questions for students and non-students and each venue will have separate questions. Each surveyor will have two sheets of the same six questions, and they will ask one questions per person. Sam will ask about loaning some clipboards for the night, if this doesn’t work Nina will contact Teneill and ask for some petty cash to get some cheap.
We need to have two people at the doors into Centrestage to take a tally of the people as they arrive. We thought we already nominated two people but we can’t remember who so we either have to figure it out or find more.

The sub-committee meeting was closed at 10.33am.


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