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Showing posts from July, 2017

BSA206 Making my scene

For BSA206 I plan on doing a segment of the film that is the most unusual part of the environment. This is the moving mountains and the character who has to interact with them. I might also make some of the eyes that move around and look at the character too. I can't model the mountain until Maya stops crashing though. It won't let me make anything at the moment. Week 6  I finally finished the mountains in Maya and experimented with Toon Shader, which really worked in helping me create a setting that looked other-worldly and unnatural. I then went to model the Eye-plants but Maya began to crash every time I tried to set the project again. This set me back for a couple of days again, which annoyed me a bit. I am hoping that I can get my account reset again so I will be able to finish modelling by the end of this week. Week 7 I finished texturing my eye and I decided to try and make a simple custom rig for it as a bit of an experiment so I can see if I can make an Eyeplant

BSA227/BSA206 Ideas/Concepts

Daisy and I are going to work together and I am combing my BSA206 project with the BSA227 class. Daisy said that she liked the story I came up with for BSA206 and she said she is happy to use that story which is: A man is walking down a road nonchalantly. He steps in a puddle/pothole. Suddenly, he drops into it and lands in a florescent green, rolling meadow. Literally. The hills that he is standing on are moving like ocean waves. The man falls because he can't stand. When he hits the ground he becomes a cartoon of himself. The mountains continue to roll around him and eyes on stalks begin to grow out of the earth. The eye-plants sway with the hills and they all focus in on the man. The man looks at them in terror before trying to crawl away but as he does the camera focuses on a close up of the man's own eyes which have grown little hands and are trying to escape his head. The camera pulls out quickly and the cartoon man is now floating in space. He is spinning slowly th

BSA227 Making Explosions

I learned how to use the tracker part of AfterEffects. I then added in explosions into them and used masks, opacity and the feather feature to try to make a car explode. My biggest issue was the mask on the explosion which I found didn't look very realistic but by making the feather quite powerful, and by adding keyframes on the masks position to make it shrink so the fire looked to move around the column as it expanded. I think that it's not brilliant but it is better that it looked like at the first attempt. After making the clip I exported it out to save as a Gif through Photoshop so I could upload it on here. I think my main issue is with the fire itself but I think I would be able to fix it if I spent more time tweaking it, maybe by adding another mask for the front column and one for the further column so I would have more control over the mask and be able to move them more individually.

BSA227 History of Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics are any graphics which have been animated in any way. Special Effects is used to refer to effects done while filming such as rain, wind or flying rigs. Visual Effects are Computer enhanced imagery which is added in Post Production. Compositing is the digital manipulated combination of at least two source images to produce and integrated result. The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots  (1895) shows the stop film technique where they pause the film at a certain frame so they can make it look like they behead someone. The Great Train Robbery (1903) uses matte blacks to make the movement of the train out the window. Georges Melies'  A trip to the Moon (1902-5) uses stop motion and stop film techniques. King Kong (1933) used stop motion and miniatures to make the ape thing. Thief of Baghdad (1940) showed advances in multilayered matte painting in film. Tron (1982) showed major advances in CGI that had never before been used in film. Willow (1988) was the first

BSA227 AfterEffects

We made a text thing that was edited using AfterEffects. Then I added some spinning stars and stuff. This is a GIF of it.  The Stars were rotated, skewed, moved, the opacity was changed, and they were scaled. The Text and Square was made using a Mask and changing opacity and scale. I added motion blur to everything that is moving. The Text and Mask each had an "Easy Ease" on them but for the stars I just put in an ease in on the first key frame and an ease out on the end one so the movement was continuous. Every key frame between them were multi selected and I clicked "Rove Across Time" to smooth their movements.  Then I exported it out and brought it into Photoshop so I could export it out as a Gif.  Banter was  had. 

BSA206 Story and rough thumbnails

A man is walking down a road nonchalantly. He steps in a puddle/pothole. Suddenly, he drops into it and lands in a florescent green, rolling meadow. Literally. The hills that he is standing on are moving like ocean waves. The man falls because he can't stand. When he hits the ground he becomes a cartoon of himself. The mountains continue to roll around him and eyes on stalks begin to grow out of the earth. The eye-plants sway with the hills and they all focus in on the man. The man looks at them in terror before trying to crawl away but as he does the camera focuses on a close up of the man's own eyes which have grown little hands and are trying to escape his head. The camera pulls out quickly and the cartoon man is now floating in space. He is spinning slowly through the atmosphere, he loses his cartoon-ness and his escaping eyes return to his head. Suddenly there is a hissing sound like air escaping a pressurized can. The man flies backwards really fast before slamming agains

BSA206 project concepts

My scene that I am exploring is the multiverse scene from Dr. Strange, when Strange is pushed out from his body and thrown through multiple universes. The way this scene is filmed makes it feel very unstable and as a watcher, it makes the scene exciting and intense. It does this through using techniques of speeding up and slowing down time (in that it makes him fly through the scene one second and then slow motion the next) and bright surreal effects and backgrounds make the setting seem unstable, dangerous and alien. An eerie, echoing voice-over is the only thing that really seems to give the scene any understanding but it sounds detached and far away. I am hoping to explore these techniques used in the hopes that I can successfully create a scene where I can try to convey the danger and instability that is felt by a character enters an unknown environment that he fears and doesn't understand. I think my biggest issue with this will be trying to make an interesting story while