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BSA126 Gump walks.

Gump Side Walk
The side walk for Gump. I tried to make him seem as if he is a bit of a sloucher-almost as if he drags himself along the ground a bit. He's a bit of a lonely sad guy so I didn't want him looking too perky and happy. 

Gump three quarter walk

I tried to do the same slouchy, sad walk for the 3/4 walk animation, his head is bowed and I hope he doesn't look too happy.

Gump front walk
I tried to experiment a bit more with the front walk. My initial idea for Gump would be that although he walks upright, he resorts to a four legged walk at times because he is ment to be a bit primitive in his actions and appearance. I wasn't entirely happy with how the walk turned out and it could definitely do with a few tweaks but I'm happy in the sense that his four-legged walking style gives him a bit of personality. 

I'm still not fully satisfied with the character design of Gump but I am getting closer to figuring out what I want and what I don't want, so that's positive. I still think that Gump should walk in an almost apelike manner so maybe I should study and practice drawing some ape walking cycles and then edit them a bit before merging them with Gump to start to figure out the character a bit more. 


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