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Showing posts from June, 2016

BSA126 Gump walks.

Gump Side Walk The side walk for Gump. I tried to make him seem as if he is a bit of a sloucher-almost as if he drags himself along the ground a bit. He's a bit of a lonely sad guy so I didn't want him looking too perky and happy.  Gump three quarter walk I tried to do the same slouchy, sad walk for the 3/4 walk animation, his head is bowed and I hope he doesn't look too happy. Gump front walk I tried to experiment a bit more with the front walk. My initial idea for Gump would be that although he walks upright, he resorts to a four legged walk at times because he is ment to be a bit primitive in his actions and appearance. I wasn't entirely happy with how the walk turned out and it could definitely do with a few tweaks but I'm happy in the sense that his four-legged walking style gives him a bit of personality.  I'm still not fully satisfied with the character design of Gump but I am getting closer to figuring out what I want and what

BSA126 Run front and side.

Run side This animation drive me mad because no matter what I did, the result always looked bad because the movement didn't appear smooth, even while using a reference. It still hurts my eyes. I sort of gave up after a while. I'll get it better next time. I think it may have been something to do with the head movement-or maybe the run movement is closer to a jump-like movement. I don't know.  Front run   The front run worked out much, much better for me. It came out looking quite smooth and I was satisfied with it. I gave the runner a cats head because I felt like it. I think I could do with a lot more practice for both running views. I'm happy enough with the two I did as a first go but next time will hopefully be better. 

BSA126 Lift and Jump.

Lift I tried to make the lift appear as if the character was struggling with the weight. I imagined how it feels to lift a heavy box and tried to weight the animation accordingly. The drawing style itself is in no way realistic in the sense that the figure grows and shrinks a bit but I kind of liked it because, to me, it seemed to make the box appear even heavier because his body contracts as he struggles to lift it a bit.  Jump I have named this little guy "Mr. Potato" because he looks a bit like one. I kind of like the shape of his body for the jumping sequence because I could contract and stretch the body simply and this made the jump look less static, to me.  Both the jump and the lift are very unrealistic and minimalist in the sense that I just drew them as simple shapes with very little detail. However, I kind of like the effect that I got from that in the way that I could easily convey a weight to the bodies by stretching an contracting shapes. 

BSA126 Head turn and dialogue

Head Turn I animated the character to turn his head from left to right, dipping his head during the transition. The result was just a guy looking left to right, to left, to right, to left, to right. He's very confused, don't judge.  Dialogue I animated my character to say, "I had a feather, where did my feather go?!" I seem to be a fan of confused characters, I guess. Anyway, I did animate a feather falling behind him but I animated it in white so when I exported the clip out, the feather was put against a white background so you can't see it. Struggles.  I drew the mouth shapes and added them as I needed. I used about five or six different shapes. I tried my best to sync up the movement with the voice, and I'm fairly happy with the result. I mean, it could have been better but it's not awful so I figured that it would do. The first bit, ("I had a feather") I was very happy with. It is just very slightly out in the second part of

BSA126 Bird, Cat, Dog, Horse.

Exporting in quicktime stopped working again because the videos export with a black background for some reason and this ment that you couldn't see the animations as they are drawn in black.  Bird My bird flight featured a flying seal, I'm not sure why. I enjoyed making the bird fly, although I had to do it twice because the first time I animated him flying backwards-or something weird.  Dog I used a reference to animate the dog walk before adding hair which made him look more homeless and mongrel-like. Then I felt a bit bad for the poor dog, it's probably a good thing that uploading it as an animation didn't work out, it's too sad.  Horse The Horse was fun to do because I like horses. I animated the walk first and then added in a cart because I had some extra time. The man on the cart was done a bit lazily and he sort of shrinks and grows with each frame, but it's not really about him anyway so I don't mind. The horse himself

BSA126 Pendulum and Lower walk.

I lost the ToonBoom file for the pendulum movement after exporting the animation out in the flash file. This means that I can't go back to the Toonboom file to re-export the file in the quicktime player format, which is what I would need to have it in for to be able to upload it onto blogger. As a result of this I can't upload the animation for pendulum. The Pendulum was fun to do, I used an ease in, ease out technique again to make the swinging ball appear natural. I also ran into problems with the lowerwalk toonboom file as, similarly to the pendulum, when I went back to the Toonboom file to export in the quicktime format, I couldn't find the Toonboom file. The lowerwalk was fun to animate. I found it harder than the balls because I had to draw every frame freehand and this ment that it was less uniform than the ones that I could use the circle-drawing tool on. However, I used a reference which helped a bit.

BSA126 Bouncing Ball and Ease in, Ease out.

The bouncing ball was fun to make. I stretched an compressed the ball to try to give more impact to the animation.   I used the ease in, ease out technique to make the movement appear more realistic when compared to just a steady left-right movement. I messed around with the different ease in, ease out options before picking the one that I decided was the best for the movement that I wanted.

BSA106 Film and Animation 1905-1915

James Stuart Blackton (USA/UK)  While working as a journalist, Blackton interviewed Edison. This changed the direction of Blackton's career and he became a camera man, director and one of the founders of animation. Some claim that Blackton created the first drawn animation recorded on film. Some of his films are; Humourous Phases of Funny faces (1906), The Enchanted Drawing (1900), The Haunted Hotel (1907). Ladislaw Starewicz (Russia)  Famous for using embalmed insects in his film as the main characters. The Be autiful Leukanida (1910) was a worldwide success. A London newspaper said that the insects had been alive and were trained by a Russian scientist. Martin Thornton (UK)  Created In Golliwog Land (1912), which was a combination of stop motion and live action and is credited as the first colour animated film made with the Kinemacolor process. Colour animation had been made by painting or tinting frames beforehand, but Kinemacolor was the first widely used colour filmmaki

BSA106 Film and Animation 1900-1905

Segundo de Chomon (Spain) An early pioneer of film techniques and methods, Segundo de Chomon is credited with developing "the dolly" (a camera on rails for tracking shots). His movie The Electric Hotel (1905) was an early breakthrough in stop frame. Alice Guy (France) One of the inventors of narrative film who directed The Cabbage Patch (1896), one of the first films to have a plot. Edwin S.Porter (USA) Directed The life of an American firefighter (1903)  which contains many technical innovations including; A close up, use of medium and wide shots, intercutting of actual footage with staged sequences and use of dissolves as transitions to suggest the passage of time. He also directed T he Great Train Robbery (1903) which presents the basic generic conventions of a Western. In this film he used intercutting and parallel editing to create suspense. He also used different camera angles rather than having actors centre-frame. Winsor McCay (USA) An american cartoonist w