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Showing posts from September, 2017

BSA227 Rotobrush

Today we used the rotobrush in class. We had to make the pink line go around the character. When I did I, I then duplicated the layer and stuck the graffiti between the two layers. Like that^.  T'was banter. Would recommend to a friend. 

BSA227 Nuke and Maya

We practised using NukeX. I sort of got the basics of how the nodes worked. Then we got the camera taken into Maya and finally we stuck it all together in AfterEffects. This is a photo of the crates in the carpark. I think I managed to figure out the basics pretty well, but Maya kept crashing a bit so that was annoying.

BSA203 Evaluation Southshore

1. Evaluation is when you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of something. 2. It makes it easier to compile and more true as it isn't just a retrospective thing then. 3. It helps to plan what is necisary and what isn't. 4. It helps you to think of the event as being either successful or unsuccessful, so you are more likely to have some quality control as you go along. 5. You can see the strengths and have data to back them up so that shows the value of the project because it brings to light all of the little things that might have been missed. 6. There is a back up data for people to look back on in the future. 7. Future students can see where you were successful and unsuccessful, and learn from the example you left. 8. It can bring about change if someone does something in a different way and it turns out to be better than the old way. 9. It keeps you on track because you have a clearer idea of what is expected. 10. It helps the arts because it is a physic

BSA203 Marketing Southshore

1. Purpose, Product, Public, Price, Place, Position, Promotion. 2. To measure your success vs. your goals. 3. To promote the exhibition and awards night. 4. To help determine your target audience. 5. To help define your product from others by finding potential selling points. 6. You might use different marketing approaches depending on your audience. 7. To support other people's work (and see their own). Out of interest. End of year wrap-up. 8. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. 9. They are the ones most likely to go. 10. It is a way to tell who your target audience is. 11. Primary. 12. 18-30y/o. Students. Invercargill. Their mates. Movies and Music. Movies. 13. It has to be a venue accessible to your target audience. 14. The venue should be cheap or free and close to town so students bother going. 15. How the public perceive you when compared to your competitor. 16. It's a student showcase, run by students. 17. Analysing strengths, weaknesses, t

BSA203 Preparing an internship proposal

Why do you want an internship?  I want experience in working in the animation industry, alongside people who do it for a living. What do you hope to gain from the internship experience?  Experience and some contacts so once I've finished studying, I can know people who can attest that I am employable. What is the level of responsibility you are seeking and why?  I don't want to be thrown in the deep-end but I am confident that I would be able to do little things that I have had some previous experience with. Can also get coffee, can't make it though. Tea I can make though. I'm awesome at making tea. What daily duties would you like to be involved with?  Making tea, helping out, being a runner. What skills do you have to offer?  I can do things that I have learned in SIT. I can listen and learn and I am a hardworker. What personal attributes do you have to offer?  Can make a solid cup of tea. Have been recommended by a friend - and some strangers. I am friendly

BSA203 Professional Networking Part1

1. Yes, networking is all about building a professional community. 2. It's constantly evolving. 3. It will change you, you will internalise other points of view and you will become more confident in writing and speaking because you will be in ongoing conversations with people you know. 4. You have to build one. 5. You should dedicate about a day a week. 6. Know your goals, Identify some relevant people, Court these people individually, Meet them face to face at a professional meeting, Exchange Drafts, Follow up. 7. It's essentially people helping you, and you helping people out of obligation. 8. You need to see who calls the shots and who is worth going to, and who isn't. 9. You need to put time in to build a good network, and you need to uphold it. 10. The temptation to react, to treat people like machines, to pretense, to paranoia, to get overwhelmed, to get addicted, to waste time and to blame email for your problems. 11. Know your goals, Identify som

BSA206 Animation 2000s

Georges Schwizgebel, from Switzerland, created The man without a Shadow in 2004. The film was made using the paint on glass technique. The story follows a man who sells his shadow to the devil for wealth and a woman, only to find that people don't like him without a shadow. The film has many complex transitions by messing with techiques such as colour and prespective. The man without a Shadow won awards at Cannes Film Festival and the Zagreb World Festival of Animated Films. Run Wrake made Rabbit in 2005. It is animated in the style of old kids' picture books. The story is a parable that critiques consumerism and loss of innocence.  The Black Dog's Progress was made in 2008 by Stephen Irwin. It is made up by drawings on a series of flickbooks that were later digitally animated. The flickbooks are on a constant loop so the audience can see the past and present at once. The plot tells the story of a black dog that is a stray.  Regina Pessoa made First film The Ni