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Showing posts from February, 2017

BSA203 Brainstorming ideas/concepts

"Consciousness creates reality" and "The observer Creates reality". -If our consciousness (our thoughts and ideas) creates our reality, and all consciousness is subjective to the person who is thinking it, then you can conclude that the observer creates the reality that they want to see. “Our whole experience of life is filtered through our minds, and we continually project our own sense of meaning onto people and things. As the Buddha put it, “With our thoughts we make the world.” So how do films distort their characters realities in the film's world, and how does that affect the viewer. If the observer creates their own reality then, by extension, how does the viewer's own personality and opinion affect how they perceive the movie. Inception and Pan's Labyrinth are two movies that are left ambiguous, with the conclusion up to the viewer.  Are the perceived outcome/s of these films affected by how the viewer chooses to see the world/how much th

BSA206 Richard Williams

Richard Williams is the Author of the book, "The Animator's Survival Kit".  Williams directed Who Framed Roger Rabbit in 1988. However, since 1964 he had been working on a film that he thought would be his masterpiece.  The film he was working on was self funded using money he earned by making commercials and animated sequences for live action film.  As a result of Richard Williams wanting his "masterpiece" to be regarded as an animation classic, he strived for perfection. But his obsessive attention to detail resulted in his undoing.  In 1990 Williams finally agreed to sign a deal with Warner Bros. to help pay for the film to be finished, unfortunately Williams failed to deliver the finished film by 1991 as he had agreed to because he repeatedly remade scenes.  Warner Bros. eventually pulled out and the film was taken away from Williams. They finished it without Williams on board.  The finished project was released in the USA and called Arabian Night

BSA225/226 Designing my Character

I drew up some pose thumbnails on photoshop. These were to try to get the character to look as I want him to shapewise. I drew up a more detailed sketch of Vox's face in order to try to figure out how I wanted it to look. Then I did a quick sketch to look at what his clothes will look like. I decided on loose and ragged for the clothes as I want his to look as disheveled as possible. I think I want his clothes to look old and dull, understated colours, however, I want the shirt to be a sort of dirty white so he stands out against the dark background (It will be dull until he starts to touch plants so they come to life and make the background colourful). This is the finished character board for Vox. I changed the colours of his clothes and skin tone a bit to make him look more sinister, grim and sickly than the initial drawings.

BSA225/BSA226 3D Story Draft

A city looms out of the darkness. It is dark, silent and appears apocalyptic. Vox arrives at the end of a dark alleyway, he surveys the alley ahead of him before he limps over to a dead flower. He bends down to examine it sadly. He reaches out and heals the flower, it goes from being dull and shriveled to brightly coloured and alive. A new scar opens up on vox's face as the flower grows. Vox staggers as he stands up, it is obvious that he has just used a lot of his power. He looks around himself with determination, before taking a deep, bracing breath. He begins to move along the alleyway touching every shoot, piece of moss and flower in his reach. Everything that he touches becomes bright and alive as he touches it, vines grow up the walls. Vox is getting obviously more and more tired as he "heals" everything. His pace slows, becoming a stumbling shuffle and the scars on his face continue to grow while also getting more and more pronounced. The alleyway behind Vox

BSA225 Practicing with Maya

We made a candle using Maya in class to practice using the software. We copy and pasted a reference image into the Maya folder for source images, then we put that onto a plane that we had made on Maya. After that, using boxes and the extrude tool, we built a candle holder-like shape. I hit "3' to smooth the shape off and then I used "Ctrl+Multi-cut tool" to help some edges hold their shapes once the shape was smoothed off. I added a material to the shape and put a plane behind it to add a background to create a contrast. I finally rendered out the candle picture and saved it. I am happy with the candle I made. I feel more confident using Maya already, which is good because it makes the idea of 3D slightly less daunting.  Later on, I made a glass using the same technique as I did with the candle. I changed the material to class and I duplicated it to make more glasses. I was happy with the result and happy with how much faster I was able to achieve it w

BSA203 The Heuristic power of Art.

1. Elizam Escibar was imprisoned on April 4, 1980. He was accused of belonging to the FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion National/ Armed forces of National Liberation). 2. He discovered that art could earn him a 'social status', a reputation among his peers as well as his elders. After moving to Bayamon he learned that Art could also be a substitute for reality. 3. He was influenced by Marxist ideas, particularity the ideas of Mao, who began to inform his consciousness about the role of art and artists in the class struggle. 4. At this time, he believed that art and politics were separated, with one being "idealistic and useless" and the other "practical and realistic". 5. His theory essay stated that only after the creation of a society without social classes, without the exploitation of man by man, could art become a truly free, disinterested activity. I think that this means that art highlights inequalities and exploitation, and while this remain

BSA225/BSA226 Character bio Draft.

Note: This is follow on from the 'Setting Background' post which should be referred to first in order to help understand the Character bio. Vox was one of the first of the newly created species to be brought to life. In human years he is 25 years old. The scientist was murdered when he was 15 and since then he has been alone roaming from place to place. Vox is tall and slender, typical to the build of most of his species. He is disfigured as a result of the energy he gave away to the earth. He has only one eye, the other covered by a long scar stretching from his forehead. He has slanted shoulders and a limp-like gait similar to an old man's. Being one of the earlier scientist's creations, Vox had more time to learn about the world before the authorities caught up with the scientist and his experiments. As a result of this, and because Vox is a fast learner, he was one of the first to

BSA206 Dogme 95

In 1995, after a night of drinking, Lars Von Trier and Thomas Vinterburg, two Danish directors wrote down a manifesto in 25 minutes, calling for a new purity in film making. They felt that technology hampered genuine creation. They thought that you could fight Hollywood's' globalization by going back to basics. The two soon enlisted two other directors, Kristian Levring and   Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, and the group became the Dogme 95 collective. They set down a set of rules because they thought that the emerging technology allowed for too many people to create cinema. These rules were called "The vow of chastity". The rules were: All shooting must be done on location without the use of props or sets. If a prop in necessary for a shot they must find a location with that prop already in it.  Sound mustn't be produced, with music not used unless it occurs where the scene is being shot. The camera must be handheld. Shooting must take place where the film takes p

BSA225/BSA226 Setting Background.

Background for setting.  My movie will be set in a dystopian future. Earth has become rundown and worn out. Cities have been left almost abandoned as most of human life has moved to space. The remaining humans who didn't leave were the ones who couldn't adapt to the changing climate. They fought amongst themselves for power until there was hardly any left to fight anymore. The smarter humans that remained on Earth went into hiding. They struggled to survive in an environment that was so damaged by war that it could hardly sustain them anymore. As a result of modern warfare, most fertile farmland has been left scorched and leached of its minerals, leaving plants unable to grow. A thick smog fills the air, preventing sunlight from reaching ground level. Subsequently, the earth appears grey and dull, a bit like Invercargill. Before the last great war of Earth, a small group of scientists who predicted the end approaching began to work on unethical, highly invasive experiments i

BSA 225/226 3D Animation Character and story development.

16/02/2017 Here are my ideas, as well as any research that I did into in order to come up with my 3D animation. Initial Ideas.  It took me a few days to come up with a concept that I was happy with for my 3D. I had problems with thinking of stories that feature only one character but remain interesting for the viewer. In order to gain inspiration I watched (mainly animated) music videos. This helped me come up with a character, a setting and a plot. Initial Character design. While watching the band Shoe's music video for EGG ( ) I came up with an idea for a character I could design. (screengrab of the character that inspired my character) From this I drew up a very quick sketch of a potential character's face. After this I drew up a quick sketch of the character's entire body. Both of these were fast drawings which I intend to tweak but they gave me a good base to form a story and setting around.  (Quick ske