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Showing posts from April, 2016

BSA106 Surrealist cinema.

Surrealist film came with the movement of surrealism that was an art movement in Paris from 1924 to 1941. The movement stemmed from the Dada movement than came previously. Surrealist cinema used shocking, irrational, absurd and dream-like sequences in it's films. Unlike most of the Hollywood films that had come before surrealism, most surrealist films don't have an obvious narrative, or much logic in the way the story is told. The animations created by Terry Gilliam from Monty Python has been influenced by surrealist film. This can be seen in the way that the animations have little in the way of a plot line and most of the narrative decisions that he makes seem to be more influenced in what he feels like is the natural progression for that character or object on the screen at the time.  

BSA103 - Censored Film in New Zealand.

"Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle"(1975) (originally "Tarzoon, la honte de la jungle") was a french/belgium animated film that was the first foreign-animated film to ever receive both an X rating and a wide distribution release in the United States. However, it was banned in New Zealand by the board of censors in 1980. Although it was a parody movie, it was incredibly sexual, although this was mostly played for humour. . 

BSA103 Nagib article questions.

Paragraph One-Six.  Auspicious: Conductive to success/a sign of future success. Obsolescence: No longer used. Malaise: Feeling blue/ in a slump. Delocalisation: A loss of being able to determine the place of where something is. Centenarian: Being at least 100 years old. Intuit: To know or grasp by intuition. Oeuvre: The total output of a writer/artist. Ineffability: Incapable of being able to express or describe with words. Erudite: Having or showing profound knowledge. Emphatic: Forceful and definite expression or action. Italian Neorealism: Golden age of Italian cinema featuring stories filmed on location and set amongst the poor and working classes using non-professional actors. Inaugurated: Officially commenced. Vehement: Extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently. Parti pris: A bias. in toto: Overall/as a whole. Coheres: To form unified whole/to be logically consistent. Phenomenological: Philosophical study of the structure of experi