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Showing posts from 2016

BSA124 Editing My Stopmotion When I Started to Figure out Aftereffects

I started to figure out how to use Aftereffects which, once I figured it out, it became much easier to use. The thing that I found much easier once I had it sorted was using keyframes, that was the hardest part for me. I used masks get rid of the wire. I found the shadows didn't look great because the lighting was done so the shadows were thrown everywhere and so the mask removed them in weird ways. I made the mistake of rendering out the video so that Teneill could show me how to fix the colours of the clip in Premier Pro. This later meant that I lost the mask layers so I couldn't try to fix them later on when I imported the rendered, colour corrected clip back into Aftereffects. After I was relatively happy with how the clip looked, I began to get sound and put that into the clip. Then I found royalty free music to put into the background of the stopmotion to add more atmosphere. I then rendered it all out.

BSA124 Editing

Editing drove me mad. It's still driving me mad. I shot everything on different days so the lighting changed between the days making the animation jump from one colour tone to another when I put them together. I tried editing out the wires but failed and Google couldn't even help me. I tried to edit the wires out on photoshop then but then I couldn't bring the files back into aftereffects in the same way. I didn't know how to make the camera pan out like how I wanted it too. I did what all the tutorials seemed to say but it didn't work. I'm going to try to change the colours now but I'm not feeling confident that I'll manage. However, I did manage to split sequences in order to get rid of deleted frames or frames where I caught my own hand in shot so at least there is that. I also managed to copy and paste sequences to make them loop as well as stretching the time and stuff. Apart from that, I don't really know what to do. I'm less ha

BSA 124 Starting shooting

I had a small problem just before I was ready to start shooting and that was that I was left without a project partner. This was an issue because I would have found it difficult to be both the hand and also the person shooting, while moving the character as well. Thankfully, I found a friend who was free on Tuesday evenings and was also available on other days, who said he would help me out and be the hand. We began shooting then. I found Dragon frame easy enough to use, my only complaint was that it tended to freeze quite often and there was a bit of a delay sometimes while taking the pictures. We did a lot of shooting on the first week and I was hoping to get the whole thing shot by the end of the second week, which we would have managed only I handed in the camera late when I returned it and that left me banned for a week which wasn't ideal. During the week I was banned I did some stuff on After Effects and learned the basics. We ended up finishing shooting on the Tuesday

BSA124 Building my set

I decided the easiest way to make my set, with the most practicality considering the human hand would be to make it small enough to be one room, but large and open enough to be able to fit in a human hand and also to maneuver both the hand and character. I decided that wood would be a solid thing to build it with which I thought was important as it could be easily knocked by the hand. First I cut the wood to the sizes that I wanted, then I painted the floor and put wallpaper on the walls before nailing it altogether as well as using glue. I put in a window to make it look more homely. This I did by just sticking curtains onto the wall. They were closed curtains which makes sense as in the story my character just wakes up and so it would make sense that the curtains weren't open. I added a bed, a table, and a chair. These were made with matchsticks, icecream sticks, fabric, and the with foamy stuff. The fabric was stuck to the bed using hot glue that unfortunately melted a bi

BSA106 Robocop Review

Robocop was made in 1987, directed by Paul Verhoeven, who also directed Total Recall and Basic Instinct.  Robocop  deals with themes of morality and corruption. This is clear when you begin to see how the criminals are friends and secret allies with people in powerful positions such as those who control the police. It also touches on the idea of rouge robots that are out of the control of their creators. The special effects don't hold up to today's standards, but this is understandable when you consider the year the film was made. However, they weren't too bad and I would think that the story and themes are still relevant to today. For me personally, the film is too gory and violent, with too many guns. I appreciated the cinematography, especially the shots of the urban city setting because the director used angles to emphasis size a lot. I remember this particularity in the scene where Robocop saves a woman from two men and his shadow is thrown up on the wall behind

BSA103 Artist Statement

Artists Name: Nina Simpson Title of Work: Manipulate Medium: Short Film Price: NA Biography: I am studying animation and am currently in my first year. I am originally from Ireland but came to SIT to study because upon leaving school I wanted to both pursue further education and also travel so I decided to do the two at once. I chose to study animation as I have always enjoyed drawing and telling stories since as long as I can remember, and animation is essentially just telling a story via lots of drawings.  Rational for work: I am interested in how non-narrative, surrealist film can capture emotions without the use of a plot to manipulate one’s emotions. I attempted to create a piece that shows the conflict between the act of growth and the act of destruction that will hopefully inspire emotions and questions in the viewers’ minds. The work was inspired by the band Sigur Ros’ music videos as these are all quite surreal, while many of them also deal with the themes of

BSA106 Pink Floyd's "The Wall".

The Wall was made in 1982. It was directed by Alan Parker, Roger Waters wrote the album and the screenplay and Gerald Scarfe was the animation director. I liked the movie. I thought that it was quite an original concept. I found the story compelling and I like Pink Floyd's music so I loved the soundtrack. I enjoyed the way the story line jumps forward and back and the cinematography seems very experimental and unconventional-especially for the time that it was made. The main themes that I got out of The Wall were themes of conformity, oppression, depression and anger. I particularly liked the parallels drawn between how the rock star is taught to listen and conform as a child and when he tries to break out of it by being a rock star, he starts to be forced by his management to become what he has despised-someone who others conform to and who inspires a mob mentality. This conflict seems to drive the main character into a depression that he has struggled with since the loss of h