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Showing posts from November, 2016

BSA124 Editing My Stopmotion When I Started to Figure out Aftereffects

I started to figure out how to use Aftereffects which, once I figured it out, it became much easier to use. The thing that I found much easier once I had it sorted was using keyframes, that was the hardest part for me. I used masks get rid of the wire. I found the shadows didn't look great because the lighting was done so the shadows were thrown everywhere and so the mask removed them in weird ways. I made the mistake of rendering out the video so that Teneill could show me how to fix the colours of the clip in Premier Pro. This later meant that I lost the mask layers so I couldn't try to fix them later on when I imported the rendered, colour corrected clip back into Aftereffects. After I was relatively happy with how the clip looked, I began to get sound and put that into the clip. Then I found royalty free music to put into the background of the stopmotion to add more atmosphere. I then rendered it all out.